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Status Reviewed
Created by Leticia Cabrera
Created on Dec 12, 2024

Ease process to request the restoration files

E365 user' survey response against ServiceNow case CS0343096: "This was the first time I was asked to restore a file on our ProjectWise datasource.) The overall task to restore the two files was "easy." Once the request was submitted, it was resolved a lot quicker than anticipated. The process to request the restoration was slightly complex and somewhat repetitive. I first consulted the guide provided by Bentley when we established our datasource and I found all the information recommended for file restoration requests. I do not feel the guide specifically pointed out the request was to be through the online case request (minor inconvenience). I was able to easily enter the information into the online form from the email I started. The form itself was dynamic for the specific sub-task (“Restore a folder or file”). However, the field for “Folder audit trail showing the file to be restored” was a text/string field. It’s *not* easy to transfer the audit trail from PWE to a text/string field. Especially if it is more than one file request. As this is a critical piece of information, I would expect an easier way to export that information as well as a friendly way to include it. Maybe a multi-field expandable table with columns for each of the required critical pieces of information (like file name and DMS #) would be better? I did attach a PDF printout of the audit trail to the request as that was one way I could export that information from PWE. Once the case was submitted, the first request was to provide similar information to what I entered in the online form. If I was asked for the same information, what was the purpose of first entering into the online form? If it was slightly different, why not revise the form?”